Adaptive Architecture Storytelling Viewpoint Template

Adaptive or agile architecture design [artifact] and practice [activity of design] involves storytelling.
In this post, I would like to share some of my experience from recent projects in the form of a following Architecture Storytelling Viewpoint template.

Context: Policies, Principles, Strategies, Environment, Business Model, Operating Model ...

1. [Stakeholders] It starts with subject or area of interest [Who]  i.e. Person, Role, Organisation, Department, Division.

Here focus is on identifying, understanding, prioritizing, estimating, planing and classifying the [Who] stakeholders (the most important part of the architecture) with certain area of interest (e.g. Marketing, Sales, People and Culture, Finance). You can design stakeholders map and empathy map to elicit "Who" for a certain area of interest . This is really about stakeholders or customer-centric architecture as opposed to an IT centric architecture.

AS a Stakeholder.....

2. [Concerns] This is about identifying, understanding, prioritizing, estimating, planning and classifying the stakeholder concerns [What they have or do and What they need or do], [When they need or do], [Where they need or do], [How Many,  How Much and How Often they need or do], [How they need or do] and [Why they need or do]

What: e.g. Ideas, Risks, Problems, Opportunities, Products, Services & Experiences
When: e.g. Timeline, Delivery Date,
Where: e.g. Location, Place, Physical or Virtual
How Many, How Much: e.g. Quantity of Units, Cost
How Often: e.g. Frequency, Schedule
How: e.g. Mechanism  of Delivery, Format, Constraints
Why: e.g. Goals, Objectives

My Concerns(s) is/are ....

3. [Views]  This is about possible views [artifacts or models or solutions] that can be discovered [Architecture Design Discovery], implemented [Architecture Design Implementation], evolved [Architecture Design & Practice Adaptation] and governed [Architecture Design & Practice Governance]  to address the [Stakeholders] [Concerns].

Which can be addressed by Views of (artifacts, models, solutions).....

Architecture Storytelling template is way to initiate, discover, implement, adapt and govern actionable customer-centric adaptive architecture. This template can be used in an architecture workshop and can be documented in a spreadsheet/whiteboard or in an architecture repository.

Architecture Storytelling Viewpoint Template Summary:


As a Stakeholder ........    

My Concerns are .........

Which can be addressed by Views of .......

Happy to share more examples in the future.


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