AI-enabled Intelligent Enterprise: AI Co-pilots
AI-enabled Intelligent Enterprise There is an increasing interest in Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems for decision making, productivity gain, better quality products and services etc. There is a fear or assumption that AI systems will replace human. We should not assume that AI systems will replace humans, rather we can look at them as our agent or assistants. Human is the "Principal" who delegates the tasks to the AI system that is called an "Agent". Thus, there is a principal-agent relationship (delegation) between the human and AI system. AI Co-pilot There are several facets of AI systems, in particular the AI co-pilot system that can assist humans for carrying out tasks on their behalf. These AI co-pilots can be embedded across the enterprise value chain. This article discusses the AI-enabled intelligent enterprise and the applicability of AI co-pilots across the connected core value chain of (1) strategy, (2) architecture, (3) development and...