What is Information? A Theory of Information Trilogy
A Theory of Information Trilogy for Information Ecosystem by Asif Gill Information is/of Everything (IioE) We hear many definitions of information and related concepts such as data, information itself, knowledge and intelligence. Well, all these definitions seem useful from information probability, quantification, measurement, storage, processing and management perspective. We still wonder what is "it" and how to identity "it", which we call "information". This blog defines and describes nature ecosystem inspired definition of information, which is called here a "Theory of Information Trilogy" (ToIT). This theory is defined with a view to define and identify information in complex and heterogenous information ecosystems. This theory defines that the information is (1) matter and (2) energy, which has different (3) states or forms. Matter and energy flow in the natural ecosystem. Further, from natural ecosystem, these 3 matter, energy and their ...